The Recession is Bullshit
I can't shake the feeling that we are being toyed with by invisible forces. First, a disease is manufactured and propagated. Then, a response to the disease is conceived. It includes locking down society and subsidizing the people with printed money.
This is all a tidy narrative for companies to retrofit to their own needs. A cycle of boom and bust is synthesized in the name of the greater good. Employers now have a reason to fire their employees and raise prices of their widgets. Stocks suffer because it's going to be difficult. Everyone knows a recession is coming!
Fear mounts. Worries pile up. The Federal Bank must curb inflation. They need to raise interest rates on borrowing money to get this nasty inflation monster under control. Now it costs more money for people to take out a loan and buy houses. Companies don't give raises. Inflation of consumer staples eat into our salaries. "The recession is coming!", they said.
In summation, we have a (natural?) phenomena, seized by world governments to extend their power in the name of protecting the people. Stocks go down for now. That's ok as a long term investor. However, I can't get over the idea that is all humans, all the way down. Humans doing human things: scheming, reacting and seizing an opportunity to claim the sky is falling. All along, fat cats padding their own pockets at the expense of their fellow man!
Do you think a recession will happen? Is it already happening? Or is it only our reaction to the idea of it? I, for one, find it amusing how humans can be so sure they know what is coming and what has already happened. I'm a skeptic! This recession is bullshit.